I holed up in this secluded cabin for two days earlier this week. It was the perfect bit of calm after a month of taking zero days off and before another month of zero days off. I love what I do, but jeeze the months leading up to Christmas are just so so busy. A good book (The Nightingale - have you read it?! I can't put it down), a nice bottle of wine, and long mornings in bed were just what I needed to power back up and get ready for the holiday madness that is now upon us.
Speaking of holiday - the 2016 Black Friday totes sold out in 2.5 hours! I think that may be a new record. Thank you so much!
Right now I'm offering free shipping on all orders over $125 and stay tuned for lots of other fun sales over the next few days and weeks. I feel so so so thankful to have all of you out there as customers, followers, friends and family. Hope you had the best Thanksgiving.